I’m wondering if you’re the man who can help me with a pretty serious problem I have. You see before my husband asked me to be his
Phone Sex Housewife for the rest of our lives, he knew I had an insatiable appetite. For dick, that is. Well, and cum. For a while, he used to brag to his buddies about how lucky he is that he can get pussy anytime he wants. All his friends would be bitching and moaning (and not in a good way) about not getting any at home. Well, my hubby would strut around like he was King Shit having a wife who would suck his cock and fuck him anytime he wanted, not to mention always ready to explore any position or new kinky thing. Pretty great, right? What man wouldn’t want that? Well, now all he does is complain; he’s too tired, or he has to get up for an early meeting, or why can’t I just use one of my toys? He went from boasting about having the hottest, sexiest wife…to complaining that I “just won’t stay off his dick”! Do you see my problem? I’ve just about burnt out every one of my vibrators and broken so many dildos that I don’t know what to do! I have finger fucked my pussy so many times my fingers go numb. He used to love it when I jumped his bones…or boner rather, as soon as he got home. Now I’m lucky if he gives me a kiss on the cheek. Now, look, I have tried to be a faithful wife, and I really have. But this woman needs some dick!! And I mean some serious thrust action…deep and hard, making me cum again and again. I can’t take any more toys. I need the real thing, a hard cock pounding and filling all three of my holes…and I mean now! Do you think you have what it takes to keep up with this poor, neglected, nympho wife?